
Pods Agreement

If you have problems with a member of your pod, make sure you can solve the problem between you first. Try to speak directly with members and, if necessary, indicate the language of the pod agreement. If you`re not sure how to do it, contact your GRA or AD for some advice. If the problem persists, you should consider working with Pod members to add an agreed language to the pod agreement to avoid future cases of the same problem. We are all faced with different circumstances; We all have different needs. Our pods work best if they have a sense of purpose that meets the needs of all their members. The first step to finding a goal is to be honest with yourself and be honest with future Pod members. It means being vulnerable. If you don`t feel able to be vulnerable with another person, they may not be the best pod-member. Each house will carry out public relations and/or programming for residents who want to do pods but have not yet set up a group. Students can expect a communication on this subject in the spring of 2021, after receiving their construction task. As a reminder, there is also no deadline for the formation of a pod – local residents can do so at any time after the application opens, even after the „Q-Week”. It is important that you discussed these options when creating the pod.

You can`t expect everyone to be perfect; You should be familiar with the fact that, during the pandemic, your family, friends and lovers sometimes break agreements, either by mistake or intentionally. These do not need to be lethal for the relationship. Well managed, errors can strengthen your pod. A „pod-lounge” is a designated area, assigned to a particular pod, that can be used by Pod members during the semester. Only registered members can use the space in which they can make contacts in a manner consistent with their pod agreement (i.e. without disguise of the face or social distance). Pods ” (also known as „bubbles”) are partnerships between family groups during the COVID 19 pandemic. Pods are created during the pandemic to take care of children who do not attend school in person or who do not have their usual childcare. Improve socialization for children and families who feel isolated and/or help children who need more educational help. Sometimes families employ a trained teacher or tutor to teach or care for children in a socket.